Apprenticeship: Community Safety Advisor - Level 3

Apprenticeship Funding: £3,500.00 (maximum)

Apprenticeship Duration: Typically 12 months 

Apprenticeship Role

A Community Safety Advisor (CSA) provides life-improving advice, guidance and interventions that support the community to remain safe and reduce risks e.g from fire, falls, crime etc.

Part of a multi-agency team working in partnership with a wide range of organisations that support the community. The CSA may work for emergency services, NHS or local authorities.

CSAs work in a wide range of different environments such as homes, education centres, public buildings and at events.

They need a good understanding of the communities in which they work and be able to engage with all community members. The CSA may work

ir role is to raise awareness of specific issues relevant to the community, minimise risk and provide appropriate and effective interventions to address them. Interventions could include brief advice, screening, signposting, fitting risk reduction equipment, advocacy, promoting self-help and providing literature and information. It is also important that they promote equality and diversity in their role. The focus of this role will be dependent on the organisation in which a CSA is employed, national and local policy and priorities and the local community. 

Apprenticeship Standard

See Institute for Apprenticeships for more information about this role.

Methods of Assessment

End point assessment, completed after the training period, includes the following:

  • Knowledge test
  • Practical assessment
  • Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio of evidence


Those who complete this apprenticeship can progress to a Fire Safety Advisor - Level 3 apprenticeship.

More Information

Please contact to find out more about how Xact can help with Community Safety Advisor - Level 3 apprenticeship.