Specialist Fire Safety
Specialist Fire Safety courses
Target audience
These courses are suitable for those who assess fire safety in specialised areas e.g:
- Regulators – fire services, registered building control approvers (RBCA’s) and registered building inspectors (RBI’s)
- Assessors – fire risk assessors and fire safety professionals
- Designers – designers and architects of new and extend existing buildings and venues
- Responsible for fire safety – managers, employees, owners and occupiers
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Specialist courses
These include:
- Fire safety in blocks of flatscourse
- BS 9251: Assess residential sprinkler systemscourse
- BS EN 12845: Assess commercial sprinklercourse
- HTM: Healthcare premises:course
- BS 9991: Fire safety in residential buildingscourse
- BS 9999: Fire safety in commercial buildingscourse
- BB100: Fire safety in schoolscourse
- Fire safety at Sports groundscourse
- Historical Buildingscourse
Support Documents
Delegates have access to a wide range of Technical Guidance, best practice and reference material on courses. Hard copies for classroom work and on-line versions for distance learning, study programmes and project work are available.
Continuing Professional Development
All delegates receive CPD certificates on course completion. All courses are designed and assessed to approved centre standards which are, in turn, regulated by national awarding bodies and OFQUAL.