Qualification: Level 4 Diploma in Fire Safety

This national qualification is suitable for those who assess fire safety in complex premises e.g:

  • Regulators – fire services, registered building control approvers (RBCA’s) and registered building inspectors (RBI’s)
  • Assessors – fire risk assessors and fire safety professionals
  • Designers – designers and architects of new buildings and alterations to existing
  • Responsible for fire safety – managers, employees, owners and occupiers

Complex Premises

This qualification applies to those who audit complex premises and venues, such as shops and shopping centres, offices, hotels, residential care homes, industrial units, firework displays and pop concerts. Premises which are beyond the range of DCLG Fire Risk Assessment Guides. They may require guidance documents such as BS 9999, BS 9991, ADB, LACORS, Sports Grounds.

 National Occupational Standards

Qualification routes

To achieve this qualification, you will be required to complete the following mandatory courses:

  1. Principles of Fire Safety Find Out More
  2. Auditing Complex Premises Find Out More
  3. Regulated and Licensed Venues Find Out More
  4. Building Regulations & Technical Guidance Find Out More

There are also optional courses (minimum of 7 credits required) for qualification:

Note: In addition to course fees, a qualification registration fee applies. See Level 4 Brochure for costs