Rachel Willis: Apprenticeship Champion!

We are delighted to share that Rachel Willis, Xact Apprenticeship Manager, has won the ‘Apprenticeship Champion’ Award at the National Fire Safety Apprenticeship Awards 2024, hosted by the NFCC.

This achievement is deserved recognition for Rachel’s outstanding contribution to fire safety apprenticeships. Her expertise, commitment and passion have been instrumental in the ongoing success of Xact apprenticeships. She has been a true champion for Xact apprenticeships, never missing an opportunity to promote the benefits of apprenticeships for employers and employees. Not only this, but she is also truly a champion for all our apprentices, following their journeys and shouting about their successes at every opportunity.

Ensuring that she is a part of important conversations, Rachel contributes her expertise to help create better opportunities in apprenticeships, for all. She has partaken in the national trailblazer groups, reviewing the fire safety apprenticeship standards. Enabling her to help shape, improve and innovate apprenticeship programmes. Recently attending the NFCC Apprenticeship Forum and assisted with the review of the Community Safety Advisor Apprenticeship.

Rachel will be speaking at the Fire Safety Event next week in collaboration with Women Talking Fire. Promoting women in the fire industry and how apprenticeships can be used to facilitate more women entering the industry, at any stage of their career or lives.

We would like to offer the biggest congratulations to Rachel for her achievements.

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